The Pilgrim Life:

Finding God Along the Way

The Pilgrim Life: Finding God Along the Way cover
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A welcome companion to the author’s previous volume The Praying Life: Seeking God in All Things, this book invites readers on a pilgrimage to find God in places of surprise—in the dark, in the deep, and in the silence. Deborah introduces her readers to poems, saints, the lost and lonely, fearful and faithful pilgrims who can guide us home.

The book is available through the publisher or on Amazon.


You can also order from Santa Fe’s oldest locally-owned independent bookstore Collected Works by calling (505) 988-4226. 

“Deborah Douglas not only invites us to become stronger in our faith; she cheers for us as we go along. She celebrates each step. She offers grounded encouragement and heartfelt joy.”

~Mary C. Earle, Episcopal priest, poet, author, from the Foreword

“Deborah Douglas’ book on pilgrimage is a rich tapestry of invitation and insight. A modern mystic and spiritual guide, Douglas exquisitely weaves the wisdom of the mystics of yore with her own experience in a way that beckons us to explore the depth and breadth of our own encounters with God and one another.”

~The Rev. Canon Jan Naylor Cope, Provost, Washington National Cathedral

“This is a beautifully written book by an author who knows and is known by God. Reading these essays invited me to open my eyes and heart to see God in all aspects of my life.”

~The Rev. Mike Pulsifer, retired pastor, United Presbyterian Church, USA