Epiphany: Beyond the Magi

magiWhen we think of “Epiphany” we tend to think of the day that marks the end of the twelve days of Christmas—commemorating the Magi who were led by a mysterious star to worship the Christ Child.

Traditionally however Epiphany was not just a day but its own liturgical season—“Epiphanytide”—linking the Nativity with the Passion and able to deepen our appreciation of the Incarnation.

The readings for this little season of Epiphany (meaning “revelation” or “manifestation” of God) focus not just on the biblical story of the Magi and the star but also on two other manifestations of God in Jesus’ life: his baptism by John and the miracle of water turned to wine at the wedding at Cana.

What do these three ancient stories—of starlight, water and wine—tell us about God? What clues do they hold to help us find God on our own journeys?

This quiet day, falling within Epiphanytide, uses art and poetry and scripture to unpack the riches of the tradition—and explore our own experience of God-with-us.